Friday, July 25, 2014

Share Something

This week let me share some contributions from the readers. In fact many readers have actively contributed to the method directly and indirectly.I would like to thank all my readers for their encouragement and support. The method has evolved over time and I am sure many have benefited from the concepts a lot even though they are trading different methods.

Here is another great work from our Dilipbhai. He has compiled all the posts written in 2013 in PDF format. Thank you very much ,Dilipbhai for the great work. Please do click here to download the file

Decision Point trading is  purely a discretionary method.Knowing the concepts are not enough. we need to learn to take the right decisions at the right time. There is no substitute for screen time. The easiest way is to simulate the trades on a software.

Here is great news. You need not buy expensive software and data to do this. U R Dave has prepared an excellent video on how to do this on MT4 platform. Click here to watch the video.

Ravi Rana has written a nice post in his blog  on how to extract real time data from NOW and NEST  and use it for real time charting. This will help you to save few thousand Rupees every year on real time charting.
Click here to read his post

SpacemanSpiff and NPA Trader were kind enough to share some more useful and related links. Kindly check the comments to access these links

Please do not forget to thank Dilipbhai ,U R Dave, Ravi Rana,Spacemanspiff and NPA Trader for their contributions. Be  Thankful

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” ~Albert Schweitzer


  1. Hi ST

    I have something to confess!!

    I am full time trader. I have a office from where I operate daily. I love that space. From the past 4 months, a boy named Santosh Kumar( A family friend's son, A native of AP, Telugu Speaking) is visiting my office. You may be like, so what?? Big deal??
    But, Santosh Kumar's senses got the better of him some 7-8 years ago( when I did not even know him) when his father scolded him and left his home. He was somewhere in AP( I belong to AP too, Hyderabad, but I am settled in nagpur, Maharashtra) and used to work with a Marble distributor and made a living. He did not finish even matriculation because of his decision. One fine day he called some of his relatives to tell about it whereabouts. Finally he was spotted by his parents and he is back to Nagpur staying with his parents.
    For the past 4 months he used to watch the market movement with me and is learning to make sense of the market. I introduced him to DP trading with the help of Nifty Nirvana, Charttechnicals by URD.
    I feel very happy to tell you that for the past 15 days or so he is picking up trades especially BOFs( I told him to concentrate only on BOFs) very well. His next task would be to execute those trades. He is not in a hurry to put real money but I am confident that he will do well.
    I never thought of any other method which I could suggest him other that DP method. Wonder how confused he would be with so many other 'Nifty-follow-me' methods.(Fibs, emas, MACD cross etc etc). He is now a regular reader of NiftyNirvana & charttechnicals.
    I would like to take this opportunity to say that if we decide to accomplish a goal with dedication, everything needed falls into place to help us accomplish there.
    I want to thank you for showing us all the way and spread it as and we can.
    I would like to thank URD for his video and MT4 setup( which helped me a lot)
    I thank Dilipbhai for his hardwork and dedication to put up two excellent PDFs.


  2. ST Sir,

    What started as your DP trade journal has now become one point reference guide for many of us. Now, Nifty Nirvana is google or wikipedia for DP trading. What is more heartening to see that many regular followers of your blog have started emulating not just the method but other best practices of yours such as online trade journals, sharing with and caring for other enthusiasts. It has been an inclusive growth with many battered tarding souls seeking ultimate (nifty) nirvana and also contributing and enriching the method in their own ways.

    Many thanks to you Sir and also to Dilipbhai and URD.


  3. Thnx Mr. Dilip Bhai and Mr U R Dave

  4. ST sir , Thanks Thanks a lot sir ,

    U R dave , dilip bhai & TB thanks a lots everybody .

    i want to say special thanks ST Sir for sharing million doller method for everyone and solve small to small problem/query every time . thanks a lot ,

    i trade crude oil from 1 jully of this month successfully cause of you ( not learn everything , but trying to learn step-by-step), this credit goes to DP method and ST sir

    thank you .

  5. Dear sir,
    If any one is interested and having nest trader or nse now than i can help him to provide amibrober with real time charts.
    Ur method is awesome.. Although i m using ur method with proper money management on stocks only but heartfully thanks to you that i have not lost any penny after following this..
    Thanks alot!

    1. Ravi
      Many of the readers will be interested in it
      Please do share it in your blog so that I can link.


    2. Hello sir,

      Here is link for amibroker and data feed...

    3. Ravi
      Thanks. I have added the link to the original post


    4. Thanks Ravi for the links!!

    5. NestRTD - More info in first post of this thread -
      A Manual was also created by a user if you need step-by-step screenshots


  6. I thank you very much ST sir for sharing it and all of you for appreciating the efforts. Thank you Dilipbhai for making and sharing this pdf.

    KsriG has rightly said "Nifty Nirvana has now become google or wikipedia for DP trading." Every section of this blog contains lot of information, be it daily posts, queries answered in comments section, structure & patterns, rants and raves. Anything and everything we want to know and learn about this DP system and trading as a whole is available here. It is not only available or just written, but it is described in very simple and easy to understand language. We just need willingness and zest for learning all this.

    Learning is very important. You need to learn before you earn. You need to approach the market only if your are well-educated and well-prepared about the market, and experienced enough to handle your emotions, otherwise be ready to get slaughtered in the market.

    Thank you once again.

    U R Dave

  7. Hi ST,URD, Dilip bhai
    Thank you so much for an another gem... My trading has improved drastically all coz of you :) I am loving it !!


  8. Thank you very much ST sir for sharing all your experience and wisdom about DP trading in this great blog.Many old and new traders are benefiting from the method and concepts of DP trading.Also thanks to UR Dave and Dilipbhai and all other experienced traders for their contributions to learn the method better.


  9. Hello, i keep notes of all posts and comments i read in NN and try to organize them. It can be opened with free tool ZIM.
    It may have some comments and info from outside NN but most of it will be from NN.
    Link -

    My trade plan and trade checklist modeled using earlier shared format in NN.
    Links -

    Finally my wip trade log. Can open in LibreOffice calc and modify based on need.
    Link -

  10. MT4 users facing problem in using period converter. Try this one in the given link below.

  11. I thank ST, URDeave, Ravi Rana,Spacemanspiff and NPA Trader , Rose Mary and others



  12. ST, thanks a lot for everything.
    Thank you URD and DilipBhai for the e-books.
    Thanks you ST for keeping the site going from 2012 so I could come in May 2014 and enjoy it.
    Thank you ST for such wonderful and detailed posts and thank you for clearing all doubts with such clarity. Thank you for your generosity, patience and diligence.
    Thank you spacemansiff for the trade plan.
    Thank you everyone who visits/ed niftynirvana and have enriched it by your presence and your questions.

    I have nothing to contribute yet, sorry. Perhaps this free live NS chart will be useful to someone I think this has already been shared by someone else elsewhere in this blog.

  13. Dilipbhai ,U R Dave, Ravi Rana,Spacemanspiff , NPA Trader

    Thanks a lot guys.


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