Sunday, March 30, 2014

Reading: Procedural Memory

Do you want to improve your trading?

Pradeep Bonde

Then learn how procedural memory works. Trading success is about developing expertise. When you try and develop expertise you train your procedural memory. Procedural memories are implicit memories. They allow us to lower cognitive load. They are learned intuitions.

Procedural memory is memory about how to do a process. It is stored in memory as one schema. A process containing say 32 steps is not stored in memory as 32 discrete step but as one sequence of step. When performing that task the brain efficiently recalls all those steps simultaneously so you can do the task effortlessly.

Procedural memory helps free up the brain to do other things. It frees the brain by reducing cognitive load. We have thousands of procedural memories developed over our lifetime. They make our life easy. For example take a simple skill like flossing your teeth, it is a procedural memory.Once you develop it you can perform it daily without thinking or while doing some other task without focusing on a step by step sequence.

Click to read the rest


  1. sir good evening ,sir sent you a mail when time permits kindly check thnx

  2. Hi ST,
    a very good article.

  3. Good Evening sir,

    With this article i can remember my Maths teacher used to say" Practice makes the man perfect". The subconscious mind works automatically when you have enough practice. The second nature starts anticipating without much thinking.

    As always beautiful article.

    Thanks & Regards

  4. Capt.

    Yes you are right. There is a Latin phrase engraved in stone
    ”Repetitio est mater studiorum”
    This translates "Repetition is the mother of all learning"
    Then have you joined ?


  5. Great article, I also ordered the book by Ericsson. Thank u.

  6. Hi ST

    Went through the entire article again.

    Mr. Pradeep Bonde talks about
    1) Structured Environment
    2) Supervised Practice
    3)Extensive Practice

    How can these 3 be achieved??

    Also could you give an example and explain the whole article??

    Thanks once again for the Post!!


  7. TBP

    We are not lucky enough to have 1 and 2. Only way is to select a set up that works and do 3 till procedure memory develops. Later you can add more setups



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