Saturday, December 14, 2013

Download the E-book

Finally here is the book for a weekend read. Being regular readers of the blog, I am afraid, you will be disappointed with the book. In fact there is nothing new in it as I have already shared everything through the blog. Anyway please go through it and let me know your feedback. I am more interested to know the negatives than the positives so that I can focus on the negatives next time.

I have already written more than 130 articles in the blog for the last two years. I am monitoring the incoming traffic to the blog regularly and I have more than 250 regular followers. I am very sad to learn that I am not getting any hits through  social networks like Twitter,Facebook and Google+. This shows that the readers of this blog never cared to share any of these posts through their social networks.

I request you to help me reach out.Please do share the book and promo video. Just click on the buttons below the posts to share it through your Twitter, Facebook and Google+. While sharing on Facebook, select the right thumbnail.  Thank You.


  1. Hi St,

    Thanks for the PDF.
    I will do my part in not keeping this blog's material to myself.

    Congrats on the work!!


  2. Sir,

    Thank you so much for this book. We can get all the relevant points about your strategy, mentioned in various posts of yours in one place, thanks to this Book. It will be really useful for newbies like me and those willing to jump into Day Trading.

    I have shared it in Facebook also.

  3. Dear ST,
    Thank you very much. I was eagerly waiting for this e-book. I am new to this blog (2 weeks) and your way of trading very much suits to my personality as I am a big fan of YTC. I used to tell my family and friends that my "guru" is there in another continent. Now I got a new "guru" who trades the same instrument that I trade and also there in the same country and state. And now a great book to refer all together.

    Thanks ST for such a broad mind and courage that you are showing.


  4. hi sir,

    your dedication words (to your wife and daughter...) in this book.. impressed me a lot..
    great sir,
    thanks for this book
    this books is simply superb.

  5. thanks sir for the effort and guidance u provide to us

  6. Sir good evening and thnx for the pdf

  7. Thanks ST.

    Point noted..will spread the word...


  8. Thanks Mr.Rajesh!!! for presenting this NEW YEAR GIFT. I salute to your hard work and commitment.

  9. Dear ST,
    I have read your book in a single stretch. Its written as simple and compact manner. Anyone who has some basic TA knowledge can easily understand it. Good Work. Only thing I struggled to understand is "WRB" in fig 14. Later I figured it out as wide range bar.

    Today is a good day for me as I managed to end my trading day with a very small profit (started day trading 2 weeks back) and also got a very valuable book.


  10. Sir just not even downloaded wanted to say thank you very much.

    now will download.


  11. Hi Dinil,
    could not stop myself from posting a comment seeing your enthusiasm
    As ST says, lets focus on the process, rest will follow...

  12. Sir hope the things mentioned here in this book should become the all time and evergreen time tested rules near to holy grail because not more often we find a person like you with your level of Masterful Simple Thinking abilities with generosity associated.

    Thanks may be small word.


  13. Hi ST,

    I am a regular follower of your blog & am so interested in your posts that i have read each of your post from 30 01 2012.
    Same is with this book which i found so useful that i have gone thru it twice.

    Got New useful points... underlined them & will implement..

    Thanks a lot.. Will spread it to the best of my efforts..
    Deven Malhotra

  14. Thanks a lot for releasing this book. It will be really helpful to get your experience in writing for new traders like us. Really appreciate and congratulation for the release.

  15. Congratulations ST

    It is really a very great book.

    Wish you all the best for its success.


  16. ST,

    As an after thought you may create one page summary with bullet points of DP trading if possible so that becomes reference type material.


  17. Sir good morning , sir gave your pdf to my 5 friends and updated them about your blog thnx

  18. One link for your book is now updated on my blog also..

    Thanks again..

  19. Congrats! This is a huge effort. Ans thanks also for pointing out that it is our responsibility to share. I know how frustrating it can feel to continue to share things without even the acknowledgement from regular readers, who find it beneficial.

  20. Dear ST,

    At the outset I congratulate and wish you all the best.I have shared it in our facebook group ..

    Thanking you once again for making my day

    Best Regards


  21. Sir,

    many thanks for your ebook which I am reading right now. in the book you had mentioned about using 3 minutes timeframe. I was wondering instead of 3 minutes timeframe, if we use 750 R-range in ticks or 500 R-range in ticks, then each candle will have a brick size of 7.5 (750R) or 5 points(500 R) which will not be related to time at all just purely price. From this we can also know the time durationthe price had been within the range.(this plotting is possible in amibroker). pls check this aspect and comment on it. many many thanks

  22. Thanks Rajesh for a good book. Will go through it in detail when I am free from my office work.

    This is a huge effort from your side. Wish you all the best in all your future ventures as well.

    R. S. Iyer

  23. Thank you very much. Your point noted we do our best. Thanks once again for your valuable effort. GOD Bless you.

  24. dear Rajesh Sir,

    I read your entire book in one go and plan to read it again and again, it is the best and down to earth book on trading, really appreciate your effort and most importantly, the willingness to share. May God Bless you with everything you wish for. Many thanks once again for the great book.

  25. thanks smart trade for the ebook.

  26. Thanks a lot for compiling things n making it in a book.

    Anurag Jais

  27. Sir, read your book in detail and it will be very useful for us.
    Is it possible for you to share important levels which you have seen while trading in your daily commentary. Thanks

  28. Tnxs for this Gift.Wonderful

    ebook & this blog too !! Great

    work !! Tnxs

  29. Villa,

    I tried Renko charts early with 100 atr in 5min time frame which will have a brick size of around 5 nifty points but the delay in terms of renkos 3 candle formation at a stretch made signals delayed and one of the best chartist worked on renko and now not using it.

    please validate


  30. Dear All

    Thank you very much for the overwhelming response.More than 250 downloads so far.
    But I have not received many constructive criticisms from your side.
    "Sid" pointed out that the concept of MSP is missing and he is right.The topic "Thanks" should have been at the beginning rather than at the end of the book.Point noted and will be corrected next time
    Some of the short forms have been used without giving the expansions. Dinil was wondering what this WRB is all about.
    Noted villa's suggestion of range charts. We will explore it.
    This time I am getting a lot of hits through social networks. Many have shared through twitter and Facebook. Thanks a lot
    Many readers have shared the link through their blogs. Thanks to them.
    Thanks a lot for those who shared through popular forums.
    I believe I could encourage you to look at the market from a different angle through the book.

    I assure you that "Nifty Nirvana" will strive to deliver incredible value to the readers.


  31. Hi ST,
    Thanks a lot for the incredible way of looking at the markets!!!
    I hope and pray that nifty nirvana truly becomes nirvana for DP traders and that you achieve tremondous success!! We all r with u...
    all the very best!!!

  32. Hi ST,
    Saw your comment on my blog. Thanks for the ebook. I have read all the articles already, so as you said i am a bit disappointed. You're doing a great work here. My wishes for Niftynirvana

  33. San

    Thanks for the visit and comment


  34. Hello Rajesh,

    first at all: good job. Very clear and you always catches the point.
    But I've got some criticisms , maybe..
    At Figure 9 you mentioned a short before the down breakout with enough space to the previous day low but this is also the bottom of the previous range, so how can I expect a breakthrough? This breakthrough area is the next decision point/zone and one page before you mentioned exactly the opposit, so the better entry is the BOF before of the Previous day high. But maybe this picture was only taken to demonstrate the aspect of space. The same appears at Figure 17 but maybe you handle a pressure play different but here again you a buying at the previous range high.
    What I missed was your Snipershot-Concept, it really fits byying low sell high-sell high buy low and the space between 2 decision points for maybe the target for the 1st lot.
    There was so much postive feedback for you and you ask for criticism that I hope you don't get me wrong. I love your blog and still following yout trades and ideas. Keep going.


    Thanks for the comment.I always welcome criticisms as I am getting an opportunity to elaborate and clarify my points
    While posting charts, I have not thought about all the aspects. It was just to illustrate a particular point. Page 8 Para 1
    My preferred method is buying lows and selling highs. The concept of Pressure Plays was introduced as an exception as I felt missing many low risk opportunities are not right. Page 40
    Sniper Shots were introduced as a tactics to reduce the risk of Breakout trades. I did not include it in the book because I felt nobody is interested in it.
    I have received not even a single comment for the post titled "Sniper Shots". Then I posted in a forum with two lakh members

    No body is interested in the concept it seems. So I stopped writing about it.

    Please do visit and post your comments. Thanks


  36. Hi ST:

    Thanks for the great book and kudos to you. I am sharing your book with 41 members of my FB group (Nifty Mallu) so that the reach is expanded. Thanks so much.



  37. Thank you ST. Huge effort on your part...


  38. @ Usha

    @ Vinod
    Thank you very much for sharing.
    Mallu's really need to be educated on day trading, I feel
    Most of them go to the brokers office,sit in front of the terminal and gossip.


  39. Hi,
    The e-book is excellent write up. Enjoyed reading it, the first part reminds me of my many attempts at trading.
    The second part gave me a new perspective on reading the charts.
    Visiting your blog every day for the past 2 weeks.

  40. Hi ST. Great Book. I have shared it in my Facebook group "Marar Foundation" which was created to help investors from Bangladesh. I have been getting lot of praise for the book. Greta going


  41. Hi Karthik

    So happy to get an appreciation from you
    You are so special in my trading journey. You are the first one to hold my hand when I took my first baby step. You may not be remembering , but I do


  42. Dear
    Just finished reading of your e book. Very well written. Thanks to VFMdirect, I used to visit your blog but was not a regular visitor.
    Now I have understood your background and your understanding very clearly.
    I appreciate your efforts.
    Good Luck!
    Umesh Karmarmar

  43. Hi
    I have read the whole book, your style of writing is impressive, i liked your style,my dream matches yours, i too wanted to be a full time trader, but struggling now to become a part time trader, If you would have given much more information about stop loss that would have better for day and swing trader, good luck to become a professional writer,


  44. @Umesh

    Thanks for the visit and comments


  45. Thanks Rajesh for a wonderful, intuitive and impressive eBook. Very grateful that you are giving it free.

    I saw the link on YTC from Lance Beggs.

    Good luck with your Trades and very best 2014 to you and your family.

    ~ Hira

  46. Hello sir,

    Thanks a lot for this Book hats off to you and your hard work sir really you are a boon to trading kind ....


  47. Hi Sir,


  48. Dear ST,
    One thing I felt missing while gone through the book second time is you could have included explanation of MSP also in it. Initially I didnt understand the concept. But later from here(blog) I found it nicely explained.
    This is just a suggestion to make your book more and more perfect.

    Will let you know if anymore suggestions in future.

    Once again Thank You for your good and generous work.


  49. Dinil

    MSP as well as Sniper Shots omitted


  50. Thanks ST for your contribution. As mentioned in your above words 'Please do share the book and promo video' where I can get 'promo video'.


    1. san


  51. Great effort in bringing out this book.

    Thanks for sharing all your trading setups through this book.

  52. Reading the book again..

    The copyright got my attention. It reminds me of a copyright of UG ( .


  53. A bunch of thanks ST for your great work. Reading the book over this weekend. Can you please give me a clarification? I believe, If I read the book and apply on market, I can be successful. Or Do you think I need to go through your blog posts as well?

    Care to reply.

    1. The book does not cover all the material. Please go through all the important posts listed below the blog
      Trading is something you learn by doing. Here is the way to proceed



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