Friday, August 2, 2013


Nifty opened within previous day range. IR formed. Went short on BPB of IR low. I expected a move to PDL. But Nifty refused to move and I had to scratch. Nifty tried to break above IRL and channeled down. I expected a long trade on BOF of PDL or BRN 5700.. There was no week end short covering as I expected.


  1. Sir, what condition are to be met to form a IRH AND IRL .

  2. Arvind

    Read post on the subject

    Structure and Patterns >Initial range


  3. ST,

    What time frame chart do you use for your intraday trades?
    Is it 5 min or 3 min?

    do you allow access to your analysis during market hours? or do you tweet live?

    I think traders out here will be more than happy - if you allow access to your live analysis, you may charge them a reasonable membership fee (if you have a good track record - which I m sure you have)

    God bless

    - Lawrence

  4. Lawrence

    3M Charts
    At present no such plans
    I am totally focused on my own trading



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