Wednesday, July 24, 2013

No Excuses

"Maybe it’s my fault. Maybe I led you to believe it was easy when it wasn’t.”  

“Maybe I made you think…that my game was built on flash and not fire.” 

“Maybe I led you to believe that basketball was God-given gift and not something I worked for, every single day of my life.

“Maybe I destroyed the game, or maybe you’re just making excuses.”

 Michael Jordan

We should not limit ourselves by thinking that becoming great requires natural gifts. We can all improve our game every day through practice, attention to detail and perseverance.Greatness in sport, or in any other field, is something that takes years of hard work and determination.


  1. Nice inspirational video of MJ. Thanks for sharing. I would be showing this video to my son - who is a basketball player representing his school, but is finding studies a big challenge.

    BTW you are maintaining a good blog. Keep up the good work.

    - Lawrence

  2. Lawrence

    Thanks for the visit and comment



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