Monday, June 17, 2013


Announcement day.. Market trapped the shorts and bounced back. I expected a barbed wire around PDH. But market channeled.after the spike. Did not get any good entry trigger. No trades


  1. ST,

    Your system rocks. I was watching the market live and paper trading your system.

    Here's probably what i would have done today, 18 June:

    1. TST of DO/IRH. Entry below 11:21 low at 5831. Intial SL at DH. Target IRL. Exit at target at 5814.

    2. Would have missed the upmove that began at 12:51. Did not find a good entry signal. Would have entered if there was a good MC.

    3. Long over 2:03 MC on break of BRN. Entry at 5855. Initial SL MC low. Target undefined. Exit at 5850 on reversal.

    4. Short BOF of BRN. Entry at 2:30 bar low at 5843. Initial SL 2:30 bar high. Target 5800. exit on target.

    Then SOH.

    Posting this to compare with your trades later...

  2. Augu Bhai

    You are doing well with the method
    1.Nice trade
    2.You did not notice the BOF of IRL ?
    3.2.03 candle was not a MC and There is no BRN there.Low probability trade. Critical mass already long
    4.No BRN. Only PDH and IRH here. Your exit is at BRN
    I will need your help later. To trade the method in options


  3. Thanks. Need to observe more carefully...

    I am not an expert, but if there is anything that I can help on options, I will.


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