Friday, April 26, 2013

Reading: Process Loop

What should you do today to improve your trading : Pradeep Bonde

Run your process loop...
Process loops are series of well defined steps based on a setup.
If you want to trade earnings, run earnings process loop.
If you want to buy pullback run pullback process loop...
If you want to trade options , run options process loop..
If you want to trade ETF run etf process loop...
If you want to day trade , run day trading process loop...

Unless you have set process loop you will flirt from method to method and setup to setup.
Process loops develop procedural memory...
The benefit of running process loop will be apparent after 4 to six months...
Doing same thing again and again and again develops expertise...
Throughout the day or after close run your process loop.
Depending on your setup idea and timeframe of trading process loop will vary...
Running same process loop for extended period of time will make you an expert on a setup...

Stick to few setup and do the same shit everyday till you become expert on that setup...
Read the original post at stockbee


  1. Sir happy to see that you are back

  2. Hmm... thanks. it's all about the closed feed back loop or (negative feedback).

    Just for info - positive feedback can be dangerous:

    Lastly, on the lighter side, if you want to run a process loop then run a process loop on the process loop!!! ;-)

    Nice to see you back, ST.


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