Monday, January 28, 2013


A Year has flown by and I am so happy to be here, still blogging.

I started “Nifty Nirvana “on a whim a year ago. I was an active blogger long back and never expected to start blogging again. I was reading tons of material on price action trading and had many ideas of my own. These ideas were all scattered around in my brain and I felt the necessity to arrange all these in a logical order and convert it into an actionable method. This was the starting point.

I did not have a plan when I set out on this blogging journey. Everything just happened along the way. I feel happy that I could produce something that I am happy with. Now I am really enjoying this

Everything I have written about here is in public domain. Nothing is new. I have just filtered the already available information with my “Common Sense” filter. I tried to snap the picture from a different angle. I borrowed and stole many ingredients from all over and mixed my own cocktail. That is all.

I am thankful to SS of bntrader and KPL Sir of vfmdirect for sending people this way. They really made this blog popular. I am thankful and so grateful to all of you for the encouragement and for your thought provoking comments. I believe I could give you at least one “Aha” moment in your trading
So let me raise a virtual glass to say Thank You.

Cheers !!!


  1. Dear Sir,
    Congratulatiosns from the bottom of the heart,for 1 year of successful milestone.You have intelligetnly filtered available informations sufficient to give "Aha" moment in anybody's any trade set up if one club your ideas.Thanks lot for providing updates for educational purpose.

  2. ohh! 1 year done already! How time flies. wow! Congrats!

    Wishing you many more moments of blogging. Your ideas have been an eye opener for me.

    Thank you ST,

  3. Congratulations ST Sir. Your blog is certainly one of the best blog on price action trading (all the more special given its Indian context)

    The simplicity of the whole concept developed by you is absolutely amazing.

    Wish you many more years of successful blogging. It has been a privilege to come across 'Nifty Nirvana'. Thank You!!

    Way to go!!

  4. Congratulations!!! Wishing many more happy returns of the day.

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful method of trading. thanks a lot.

    God bless you...

  5. Dear Sir,

    Congratulations and thank you. From the bottom of my heart I say this we are so grateful to you and I wish you many more moments of blogging.


  6. Hi Smart Trader,

    Congratulations on the Blog anniversary.

    This appreciation is long pending...

    I have been following your blog since long and almost read every article on it.
    Your articles are small simple and effective.

    You are really very good and found/follow very good trading strategy.

    I really appreciate the fact that you openly share your trading strategy.

    One suggestion: Why don't you write a book on it?


  7. Dear ST - Congragulations on a productive year. Your blog has been thought provoking and most useful.


  8. Your Posts on different ideas on Price Action and other market observations are really interesting ...
    Wishing you all the best in the coming year too...!!

  9. ST,
    This is one of the best trading blogs that I have seen. So I am also happy that you are still here.

    Keep blogging!!

  10. Congrats & Cheers !
    I look forward to your blog every evening. Your writing is clear, logical, & above all it is common sense and is instantly appealing. I had never thought of venturing to Day-Trading, but your blog changed that. Thanks ST.
    Btw, have you taken VRS yet?

  11. Time flies so fast.

    I remember ur reply to my first comment:

    "STB u r very special to me because u r the first person to comment on my blog" :):)

    One year down the line I am proud to say that : "ST u r more than special to me because u r the first person who helped me sharpen my intraday trading skills by making the complicated simple."

    In India it is very fashionable to make the simple complicated and brag about it.

    But u have made the complicated simple and u r so humble.

    Thank you.

  12. Congratulations ST , I wish many more successful years like this to come your way !

  13. Congratulations on completing one year. This is certainly an important milestone.

    I am happy my site has been of some help to you.

    Suggestion: maintain the current consistency and quality of updates. This is what retains existing visitors and brings in the new ones.

  14. Congratulations Sir, N thank u very much for such a wonderful ellaboration always.

  15. dear sir,
    i am very thankful to you.i read everyday your blog.i think i get some knowledge due to reading of your blog.Wishing you many more moments of blogging.thanking you by

  16. Great going'keep up the good work.......

  17. Hello ST,


    Mr. Pai.

  18. Dear All

    Thanks a lot for your congratulations and best wishes


  19. Congrats ST for the 1st year completion blog !!!


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