Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Nifty opened within previous day final range. BOF of PDH gave a short signal. Thought BRN will act as support. Shorted when the second push to PDH failed. TP at MSP.. Nifty broke MSP and gave a nice BPB signal with two topping tail bars. Nice move down. I was expecting some resistance at PDL.


  1. We have set of rules for entry. But exit is more difficuilt than entry. lot of patience and decision making required to exit from a position.

  2. Hello ST,

    Have been reading your posts daily, I don't comment as often. I trade price action whenever I get a chance. Keep up the good work.

    Can you please share your views on zerodha? I believe if I remember right you had mentioned in some of your previous answers/comments section (can't remember which blog entry it was) that you use zerodha. Currently I believe I need more than 5 points for a break even which is quite costly. If you do use zerodha, do you use the software or the web login to place orders?

    Mr. Pai

  3. Mr. Pai
    I trade with zerodha
    Using NOW software. With zerodha cost is around 3 points


  4. Adhi

    No discretionary trader is going to perfect the exit. You are going to regret after each and every exit. Accept it.
    In day trading entries are more important , I feel.Trade should move in our favour fast. otherwise we need to scratch at breakeven.



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