Friday, November 2, 2012

Small Stuff

Lack of attention to details can cause big problems. This is applicable in every walk of life. A slightest mistake or loss of focus of a Surgeon  can result in a tragic situation. A loose bolt or a misplaced pin may cause a plain crash. In such professions each step of the entire process is given complete and careful attention

As a Trader are you paying attention to the details? Successful traders understand the importance of details. Entire trading environment is simply an accumulation of small details. Lack of attention will lead to under performance, wasted opportunities and inconsistencies.

Habit of paying attention to details does not come naturally. We need to train ourselves. Careful observation is required to absorb and digest everything. We must discard all the unwanted variables and focus only on actionable stuff.

Concentration is the key to details. Do not multi task. Forum postings and bloging can wait. Better to avoid chat rooms during market hours.

Creating a check list will help a lot. Write down important things. Do not rely on your memory, at least during initial period. Organize and plan everything in advance.

Consistent attention to these small details produces trading excellence. That is why we must all sweat the small stuff.

ATD (Attention to Details) is the key to ATD (Achieve the Dream)


  1. Nice to be here on your blog bro but mostly trade nifty and I trade gold so all the best!!!!!!!


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