Sunday, August 5, 2012

SS, We Salute You

Sunil Saranjame of timamo has just published a post on Gap ups. He has done a detailed and elaborate study on Gap up openings during the period November 2010 to April  2011.Read the original post here

Sir, I really appreciate your spirit, determination and hard work.I consider you as a role model who can guide us during our development
SS, You deserve a Standing Ovation
Special claps go......


  1. Aho rupam aho dhwanihi.

  2. Anonymous

    Many readers will not understand your comment. So let me quote the whole and explain the meaning

    Ushtranam vivaheshu gito gayanti gardhabani.
    Parasparam prashansayante, aho rupam, aho dhvani !!!!


    Its Camel’s wedding ceremony and Donkeys are singing. They appreciate each other ” wow.. how melodious! ” and “wow… how beautiful !!"

    Now I think others will understand what you meant.I could have deleted the comment, but published it as I wanted others to know how some of us think
    If you can't appreciate hard work and sharing don't do it . But do not ridicule.
    I just cant tolerate such behavior. Nobody has invited you for this wedding. Anyway, enjoy the feast and F@#K off


  3. extraordinary minds are not hailed by ordinary ones
    ""SS-timamo" is a light house for my trading for past 5 years
    i have no words to describe his in-depth analysis
    like to meet him by person atleast once in a lifetime


  4. Thanks ST!

    Many more studies are in the pipeline and we will have a look at then as we move on.


  5. thanx... all of u.. for all ur work..

  6. After a hard day trading it takes lot of effort to provide the kind of data that SS is doing and that too just for the love of it.

    Thank u ST and SS and also KPL for the expert comments.


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