Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Nifty opened within previous day range. Initial bias was bullish . I was expecting a drift down to PDC ( A gap closure) and a move up. But Market reversed before it . BOF of HOD gave a short opportunity. . This trade confused me a lot and  I took profit at the range low marked TP and missed 20 points of the down move. BOF of PDL was a fantastic trade which gave 30 points.Did not attempt the last BOF.
I will not be trading for a few days as I have to attend office. I will post my analysis based on bar by bar replay.


  1. Sir,
    Please explain for educational purpose the reasons for not attempting the las BOF.I think time was not attractive as last pull back High was at 5144 at 2.56PM & may be because of VWAP was 5133,your VWAP strategy.
    I use 3 M time frame.Which software you suggest for better observaton.Your blog chart page is drawan on excell I think.
    Yor BOF of previous day Hihg or Low is fantastics.Your trade explaintation of 20th July was superbe guidence & smart trade too.
    Thanks lot.Please do post your regular trading points everyday if you have time as you said you will not be able to trade for office reasons.Please guide if I am not asking something more,or sorry if you think I am.

  2. Harish

    Nifty moved well in both direction in the afternoon. The probability of further move is very low and it may chop. So skipped it.
    I use Icharts for trading.That is what I post.It is web based and their service is excellent. Cheap also.


  3. Sir,
    Thanks lot for your quick valuable guidence.

  4. very interesting blog. is there a glossary of terms/methods so i can understand better.
    and can u add e mail subscription if possible?

  5. Sir...can we trade this method on expiry day also or any problem like announcement days???/thx

  6. its ok.. dont trade.. but plz put similar daily analysis...


  7. @ Piyush

    Glossary is at the bottom of the blog.I will add email subscription


    Risk is more on expiry and announcement. This is applicable to all methods.


    I will do it.



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