Sunday, May 6, 2012


Nifty Nirvana is now three months old .It is  time to take stock and get some feedback.

I was an active blogger for many years till the end of 2008.I never wanted to start blogging again. This was an accident.Anyway I would like to continue this for the time being.I do not spend much time on this.Annotating charts  is a daily routine I follow for the last two years.Write ups are nothing but the modification of the notes I have made over the years.

The blog is getting a lot of hits, much much more than a three month old can get.Majority of the visits are coming from timamo. I would like to thank Sri Sunil Saranjame for sending people here.
Thank You very much, Sir

I do get a lot of comments. But unfortunately most of them are asking for the expansion of the abbreviations I use.  Frankly ,I am not interested to have such persons as my readers and their comments get deleted promptly.

I believe my method is price action trading in its purest form. In fact this is a cocktail. I have borrowed and stolen many ingredients from many people and mixed my own thing.It works well for me. Sometimes you may need to add a dash of "You" to make it to your liking. I have always tried not to over complicate and make things as simple as possible.My future plan is to set up a private video chat room and broadcast my desktop live during market hours.If you thought this is going to be a paid service,you are wrong.

Please do give your valuable suggestions and feed back.Let me know what you think about the design, content, charts etc and also other features you would  like to have.I always welcome constructive criticism.

I am  more interested to know what you do not like.than what you like.


  1. so whats in store for Nifty ...i m not intraday player...but i like to play the u blieve that 4640 GAP will be closed .....the major US indices have also formed HnS patterns...astrologically very bad times ahead for stocks...most importantly we are following the 2004 pathway.....

  2. Jonak

    Frankly, I dont know and I dont care.
    I do not carry overnight positions and I am concerned about two things only.Trader decision points immediately above and below the current price during market hours.


  3. charts do look beautiful and eminently tradeable in hindsight.....the true test of its utility comes when trading intraday as it that extent your idea of giving out a live chart is most welcome....i suggest that you could use something like the livestream for the is likely to be more of a distraction if too many people are allowed to participate and you may need to moderate the advertisers and rabble rousers.....ok thatsall for now....thank you for the blog and best regards

  4. Ananth

    I have no doubt about the tradeability of the method

    Chat room will be open to 3 or 4 people who are genuinely interested to trade this method exclusively


  5. Dear ST,
    Whatever presentation should not consume more time.
    The room should not have people not genuinely interested in the method and it's further evolution.

  6. Hi ST:

    Your method of trading is certainly good and different thought processes come and I do enjoy reading your posts regularly. Good luck with your future plans of a chat room with desktop sharing. Good idea and some people will definitely learn from your methods as it is simple.


  7. Oru_Indian

    Purpose of this blog is to select and train few_Indians who are genuinely interested to trade this method and make them my trading buddies.
    Together we will take this to the next orbit.
    I am not in a hurry


  8. VK
    Please do visit and give your valuable comments and suggestions


  9. Hello,

    Keep writing...your post may have more abbreviations but I like the way you explain...apart from this it seems that your are a genuine person with a pure heart...even I liked your posts other than nifty you said in one of your comments that the purpose of this blog is to train the few willing Indian traders I love to say that I want to be one of them...


  10. Chirag
    Please do visit and comment
    I am not in a hurry. I will let you know about my plans


  11. Ohh, I just saw this post. Yes, ST, when I saw your method for the first time, I knew this was something different and a must link on timamo.

    In fact, I've understood the concept and adopted your method.

    All the best for your future plans.

  12. SS

    You just made my day.

    I am really excited to get such a positive comment.
    That too from a person who has enough knowledge and experience to critically evaluate a trading method.


  13. Dear ST,

    I am really surprised and impressed by your simple way to looking at trading...

    This has changed my approach towards Trading in Intraday...

    I was using some parts of your DP already in my trading.. like Demand zone and Supply Zone.. but Now I have started looking at it in different ways..

    And made significant changes in my charts... now almost all of the indicators got removed from charts...

    Thanks for Making changes in my Trading ...



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