Friday, March 16, 2012

Knack of Trading

I am a member of many trading forums and I do frequent these forums . I have interacted with many members on these forums who have read a lot  and  who are very familiar with the theoretical side of trading.They can also recognize many high probability patterns.But when comes to real trading these people are mediocre.

I have noticed that some of them  have  the  knack of picking profitable trades.They know nothing more than the other forum members.But somehow these traders have a knack for knowing which set up to take and which set up to avoid.

I don't think it is natural intuition. The knack of doing something well is generally acquired through prolonged exposure and practice.Theoretical knowledge and pattern recognition are just a part of the picture. The skill of assimilating price action information and the ability to take decisive action is also required

This skill is developed only through experience, Reading charts and trading.

Repetitio est mater studiorium.”
 This ancient Latin phrase translates as “Repetition is the mother of all  learning.”

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