Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Nifty opened within previous day range. BOF of swing low gave a long signal. BOF of PDO gave another trade signal. A retest of this level also failed. One can skip the next two signals as the FTA was too close.


  1. Sam
    BRN is Big Round Number
    Others explained in glossary

  2. Hi.. I have just started following your blog and your approach seems to be refreshingly simple. I am relatively new to market although had my share of major losses as a novice trader.. Can you please interpret your lines ' One can skip the next two signals as the FTA was too close ' a little more. Although don't you post some pre-market analysis.Thanks a ton for sharing - Kranti

  3. I meant ' Also , don't you post some pre-market analysis '.. Its a request

  4. Kranti

    Thanks for the comment.
    FTA is an area where some opposing order flow is likely. I have made a post on it before.

    I do not do any pre-market analysis
    I just negotiate the price action as it unfolds at decision points.


  5. Thanks ST. I am still surprised how you manage like that without a pre market analysis although i also don't believe in making it complicated.. I will keep in touch with you and learn.. I also really appreciate your language and ability to express what you want to say..


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