Thursday, February 2, 2012


Entire day nifty was trading in a range. Better to concentrate on breakout failures on such days.A high volume breakout failure is a very safe trading setup.Watch for failures


  1. "Abiding in the midst of ignorance, thinking themselves wise and learned, fools go aimlessly hither and thither, like blind led by the blind. "

    Reminds me of a forum I used to participate in for a few years :D

    1. S Roy
      We will get only Kindergarten education from forums and blogs
      We will not be able to get the right training as the only way is to self coach which is very inefficient
      To make it big we need to network with "Real Traders" not the ones who congratulate and console each other in forums. Most of them will only earn thanks and only grow forum reputations.
      Listen to B Sriram. Incidentally he is from your place.


    2. Thank you ST interesting stuff. I mistakenly posted it here, meant to post it beneath the blind leading the blind painting that you had posted somewhere. Of course we can learn from blogs like yours and Lance Beggs one, but those are rare I agree. Rest are kindergarten, but unfortunately they look like Ph.D and take us on a ride to nowhere.

      Thank you the for youtube video.


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